Friday, September 18, 2009

Wherever you are be all there

Now there is a difficult challenge for this type A, sanguine, over-the-top me.  Everywhere I look lately, God is pointing me to just be there.  If this is a foreign expression to you, let me explain.  I just read an article about a fellow who did a 30-day experiment of doing one thing at a time - no multi-tasking.  No talking on the phone while eating, no reading while watching TV, no checking emails while on the phone.  I knew I had a problem but when I recognized myself when he tied  himself to his office chair (to get through an hour of not getting up to do something else at the same time), I realized I was in trouble.  Shortly after reading that story and making my weekly to do list while eating breakfast (see!) my dear hubby asked me to join him on some errands and I picked up another book I was working on (usually have at least 3 - one upstairs, one downstairs and one in the car) and realized the habit. I had to purposely choose to leave the book behind and focus on Ken while we were on the way downtown.  We talked about my 'habit' then decided to get out of the car and take a walk.  There were a lot of laughs about how many times he asked me where I was (planning my day, rewording a project, wondering how someone was doing) and had to be brought back to that moment.  I always carry a notebook to jot down ideas, but decided to also use it to help clear my multi-tasking brain and get back to the moment.  This is the most important person in my life who for some unfathomable reason loves to spend time with me.  I don't want to miss it by not being all there.  Now before some of my friends have fun with that statement, I'll divert to my personal moral to this story with a song that is new to me.  When I hear Gordon Mote (the blind pianist with the Gaither concert) sing Don't Let me Miss the Glory  my  adventurous spirit leaps with joy like a pre-schooler who has been sitting too long.  I want to do it all, see it all, and not miss a bit of God's glory.  God made me able to see and think the way I do, and while I don't believe I'll ever be - well - not me, I believe I can be a more focused me.   I cannot tell all the stories running around in my mind.  I do not have to 'bank' all the beauty I see for a future article, photo, or illustration. It is difficult to fathom that it is also been given just for pleasure - all this glory of God that is seen everywhere I turn. It is so constant and amazing that I'm often  overwhelmed. If earth and the rocks and trees and things of life are so consuming I cannot imagine how exciting heaven will be! I see His mercies and creative works at every turn.  Perhaps if I practice being all there more often I will really see more, see deeper, instead of that childish fear of missing something.  I'll let you know.  Meanwhile off to post some new reads - Darlene Frankin's story in Wild West Christmas, her inspirational romance Beacon of Love, coming soon Christina Berry's The Familiar Stranger.  Also re-read a few books on angels and  the late Vernon McGee's Ecclesiastes.  What? I can't just WALK while on the treadmill can I? LOL 

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