Meanwhile…Eating at the Lord's Table...
The Hebrew and Greek names of God (Father, Son and Spirit) have taught me much about Who God Is. Studying these names helps me to know God better, to realize and acknowledge to whom I am praying, and to better understand the deceit of the world and the enemy for demeaning our Savior and our understanding of all three figures of the Godhead.
Some of the ways that author Larry Crabb viewed God were from outward teachings and illustrations – church, picture books or flannelgraph stories, hymns about God, movies – a lot of other’s views of God. Please don’t misunderstand, I do not think those are necessarily bad – but insufficient. We all need to learn from others, and we all will hopefully teach others what we know, but isn’t it just like our entertainment-crazy world to so easily deceive us that God’s Word must be illustrated, animated and set to music before we can ‘understand’ or appreciate its teachings. I just found it interesting in his illustrations that he grew to “assume” he already knew about God, and who He is from those experiences.
And then he directs the reader to the book Revelation and the descriptions of Christ in those chapters. I would certainly recommend that excursion through Revelation – highlighting the phrases describing the Lord – ‘eyes like blazing fire’ and ‘voice like the sound of rushing waters’ – God himself holding seven stars in His right hand, and on and on… it truly IS a powerful illustration of Who God IS.
What prepared me before the book of Revelation was the gospel of John – going through and underlining who Jesus said he was – marking every I AM in the book proclaims the same powerful and transcendent God. The thing that connected for me was looking back to my first love in the book of John – seeing who Jesus said He was, remembering my realization of who He is just as Christ asked His disciples (who do you say I AM?) and then going to Revelation and seeing the image of Christ at His return.
Get out your markers – or if you cannot bear to write in your Bible – (I cannot bear NOT to!) then write the phrases in a notebook.
Your image of God will likely never be the same! That’s my interpretation of getting a more accurate picture of just WHO it is we are praying (talking) to, and it will also give us a more accurate picture of ourselves, and cause us to come before Him humbly. I'd love to hear WHO God is to you...
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the concept of Raspberry Honey Mustard Dip. Must be a Midwest thing. Anyway, great thoughts. God is other. He's holy and he's what I'm not by nature. But I want him to be the treasure of my life. I want to know the power of the resurrection and what it means to truly know his eternal peace and love.
Thanks for the comment Brad - We certainly can agree on who God is and who He wants to be in our lives. I love the But,God in your description. Only His love could make us want the opposite of what our old nature wants! So glad to hear another who has found the greatest treasure.
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