Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - Oxycise and Small Victories

Previous to taking the course with Setting Captives Free, I did not want to recognize that I was in a spiritual battle and that I had an emotional addiction to food.  I was using food (and shopping) as a place of comfort - subconsciously assigning abilities to food that it could never fulfill.  I was  on an impossible mission.  The lies I believed were that food could satisfy my innermost needs, and  that such weaknesses of the body are not connected to disobedience of my spirit.  II Corinthians 3:16-18 says "whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.  But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image."  This is probably the most major difficulty for me - to remove that veil I love to hide behind.  The enemy whispers that I don't have a problem - I can conquer it anytime...that there are many others with much bigger bodies than I who really have a problem with lack of control...that I can conquer the problem anytime I want.  What a joke.  Years of 'trying' to conquer the unhealthy habits and food addictions with various diets, supplements, binges and fastings did not fix any part of the problem.  I finally found true and lasting victory through doing The Lord's Table - by revealing my true self to the Lord - removing that veil, and allowing HIM to do the conquering.  I am ashamed that food - things that are temporary and rot  (chocolate, sugar, potato chips for me) were placed on the throne of my life instead of the Lord.  But I am thankful that God has revealed these things to me and that He continues to forgive me and even smile at my DUH! moments of revelation.

Breakfast: Sandwich: Ham, egg, onion, fennel, Sprouted bread spread with artichoke dip.  1/2 large Pear-Apple (from Sam's Club)

Lunch:  Bell and Evans Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets (awesome), Yellow beans and carrots - Afternoon snack: Manitowoc Ovens Carob Chip Cookie -

Dinner:  Salad:  Lettuce, 1/4 pear-apple, pomegranate, pecans, chicken nuggets cut at angle and the best fat-free vinegrette ever - Cranbery Sweet!

It's a challenge, but a fun one, to photo at least one meal a day.  The pictures encourage me to keep making nice meals for myself.  I feel like it's my birthday every day!

Water: Yea!  8 glasses
Exercise:  Oxycise again - it is so energy giving, stairs and walking

Reading God's word was like turning on a light that revealed a lot of dirt I didn't realize, or didn't want to admit, was there.  Hope was also revealed through these verses because I see that Christ wants to be revealed in me.  I've often worn a veil or mask for 'protection', not allowing others to see the real me. Now I know that each time I choose Christ for my comfort and satisfaction instead of placing that power with food, that I can foil Satan who is trying to convince me that the veil hides the ugliness of sin.  What the veil was really hiding was the glory of the Lord in a forgiven soul.  Let your light continue to shine Lord, as I use food for its intended purpose only - to provide nutrition and health to my physical body.   Let your light shine as I remove the veil and commit my life to you.

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