Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 118 - Husband

The word Ba'al means a master or (figuratively) owner hence, a husband, married, archer. The archer is one who captures (but the heart rather than the body). Isaiah 54:5 "For your Maker is your husband— the LORD Almighty is his name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth."

It's been said that no woman looks for an indecisive weakling to be a husband.  The type of husband I see here, both in Isaiah and from the Hebrew is a husband who is the 'owner' or 'master' of the woman's heart and soul first. She would want to surrender to the one who 'captures' her attention, and her love by being so devoted to her He is willing to give his life for her.

That's quite the husband, and love begets more love. We do not often have far too look in the world today to see a spouse - husband or wife - who has not been able to be a 'heavenly husband', but has been unfaithful in some way. As our Ba'al/husband, the Lord loves us (El Ahavah); is always faithful (El Yism'kheyni). He always cares for us.


Breakfast - One egg over easy, a few green beans and red pepper pieces.  Lemon Herb seasoning.

Lunch - Circa Celeste" cafe at 619 Wisconsin Ave in Racine - Mushroom Gumbo soup, a light and delicious grated carrot and apple salad, and a shared portion of carrot cake.

 Everything was so delicious and healthy, we brought carryout home for dinner.  (Baked vegetable lasagne) which we supplemented with fennel and cubed yam and a small salad.

A highly recommended little restaurant in downtown Racine.  Delightful atmosphere, deliciously healthy fare.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM....looks yummy!!! Im gonna try an egg right now :)