Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thursday and Friday Day 179-180 of 365

Photoless. It’s worse than misplacing my purse, I feel like an appendage is missing. Found a camera part online which may or may not repair it but will not do the $120 mail-in-estimate from the Geek Squad. Looks like I’ll need to reformat the budget for July as I need a camera for several events this week. Going hunting.

Food these two days:

Protein Pasta Salad – High protein pasta sauced with garlic and lemon and topped with raw veggies that were marinated in Italian dressing and lemon.

Tilapia – cooked after the (allergic) master went to bed. Neatly packaged to warm and eat out on the porch J - Today’s brushed with olive oil and seasoning, future portions rolled in crushed nuts and/or crushed root vegetable chips.

Chewable calcium tablets were combined with ground nuts, coconut, protein powder, almond extract and egg to make tasty little Calci-cookies. 24 mini muffin cups sprayed with oil made perfect cookie shapers.

PAPA prayer – Day 18 and 19 –

Perhaps you have already experienced some of the responses Larry Crabb felt once he remodeled his prayer life, but here are some of the personal benefits he listed:

  • New power in petitionary prayer

  • Unmistakable guidance from God
  • Discover hearing the voice of God

  • Renewed confidence that God is listening

  • Experience His presence

  • Deepen appetite for God until wanting Him more than any thing

  • Develop confidence that every empty space in your life is filled

In a way it reminds me of the difference between playing the dating ‘game’ – showing only the best side of one’s personality, always presenting self in best possible light (neat, clean, smelling good), and then taking the relationship to a deeper level where you talk about ideas, goals, beliefs. It’s risky but it has profound benefits.

Jesus risked all for me. And now he wants to hear something from me besides, "I want", "could you?" or "please".  It's not just a 'fair' request - it's amazing that he would want to hear from me at all!  Even though I've practiced relational prayer in the past, focusing on it day after day has been uplifting and revealing - encouraging me to make sure I am always communing before requesting.  Hope you are encouraged as well.

Now off to find a camera.

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