Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Days 294 - 295 - Who inspires you?

I'm surrounded, it seems, by people who inspire me.  Several in our family and in our church come to mind, then other friends, and I find as the list grows longer, the last ones to be listed are those I know the least.  Though those written last may be "famous" or well-known, they are somewhat of an enigma as I know about them but have not had the opportunity to personally get to know them.  Some things that people who inspire me have in common are humility and empathy.  Not sympathy.  Empathy.

I am touched when my friends encourage me by being straight with me - sometimes a kind of 'quit your whining and count your blessings!'  Other times a gentle reminder of what IS good in the midst of a tough situation.  And most important of all, I've watched them walk through their own Red Sea - first stepping in the deep water, in faith, and then walking all the way up to their chin until the water finally receded, all the way confident in their Savior.  That's inspiring.  Scripture says iron sharpens iron and I appreciate having such spiritual sharpeners in my life.

I was going to start listing names and decided not to, lest I forget someone.  You all know who you are.  The writer of  2Corinthians 8:7 talks about how others can inspire love in us: "But just as you abound in everything, in faith and utterance and knowledge and in all earnestness and in the love we inspired in you, see that you abound in this gracious work also."  Thank you for being my inspiration.

So what inspired all this inspiration thanks?  A devotional from a Beth Moore Bible Study in the Gospel of John and The Walk by Richard Paul Evans.  Got to thinking about my walk of life and all the dear people who have touched me in some way.

Baked Acorn Squash topped with Chili and Greek Yogurt

Golden Casserole: Squash, Swiss Chard, Cranberries, Eggs, spice and a drizzle of maple syrup.

Butter Lettuce Chicken and Avocado wrap with side of Cauliflower

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