So - what shall I make? For the seniors and the gluten free candidates - morning glory muffins without nuts. Flour is combination of Rice Flour Baking Mix and Spelt flour, and other ingredients are eggs, sweetener (xylitol/stevia mixture), grated apples, carrots, vanilla, baking soda and cinnamon. Surprisingly light and moist.
Christmas plans so far are Pumpkin ice cream for the treat, coconut milk ice cream for the Dairy Free, Turkey and 'safe' Maple syrup gravy, mashed potatoes and something with cranberries in it. Rice Milk pumpkin pies and a no-sugar added Apple Cobbler. A fruit tray will keep all fruits separate rather than the usual mixed bowl, and walnuts and pecans (the non-allergic nuts) will be "candied" with Maple syrup (about 1/4 cup to a pound) and olive oil (about 1/8 cup to a pound). Drizzle with mixture, bake 20 minutes at 320 and stir). Let cool if you can keep the lip-smackers away, and enjoy. Far better than the sugary ones we've tasted in the past.
But right now what is she eating? Green Onion Scramble above - with a little Feta and onion added. Organic canned cherries on the side and Salad makings...
Chicken breast and mixed Snap Beans - Yellow, Green and Red Onion.
Sweet Potato and Quorn "Chicken Nuggets" (gluten free and meat free) but you would swear they are chicken! These might be a good snack for Christmas too.
You know me, I went searching for the word without and was fascinated to be reminded of the Israelites time in the desert away from their gastronomic favorites from Egypt. Deuteronomy 29: 5 and 6 says: I took you through the wilderness for forty years and through all that time the clothes on your backs didn’t wear out, the sandals on your feet didn’t wear out, and you lived well without bread and wine and beer, proving to you that I am in fact GOD, your God.
Interesting isn't it, that I think I'm doing something sacrificial if I go without something for 40 days, or 40 hours, or sometimes 40 minutes! Many people give up certain foods or pleasures for the Lenten season before Easter, and find it challenging. I've found my one year plan to require constant planning and renewed effort. It's difficult to imagine a commitment for 40 years! Apparently bread, wine and beer were important to the Israelites, that to not just survive, but to live well without those items was evidence of God's presence and assistance. When first diagnosed with allergies our family too felt like we had it tough to have to live without wheat - or dairy - or sugar. But we too have found that we can live well without those ingredients. As a matter of fact, a favorite source of ideas comes from a new magazine and website called Living Without for those with many allergies.
Personally I think I'd better hop over to the website and see how this will apply to the new living without credit resolution! Come visit and share your ideas:
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