Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 109 - Thursday - An Oasis called Spiros

I've dined at 14 restaurants in New York,  several superstar upscale restaurants in Arizona and sampled from memorable menus in Spain; yet I have to say the chef at a cozy Tuscan-style restaurant called Spiros in Iron Mountain, Michigan outdid them all. 

Lunch  Mediterranean cooking is a favorite and admit that compliments from Greek friends had me secretly comparing each chef's offerings with my dishes.  I was not sad to give up every accolade at this restaurant because each dish was far superlative to any I'd previously savored - anywhere.  Stuffed grape leaves with lemon sauce and Greek Bruschetta delivered with stellar service had Nancy and I raving and eager to return for dinner.  We'd almost finished eating before I came to myself and grabbed the camera! We promised to be back.

Appointments completed by 7:30 and we realized we'd forgotten to check the restaurant's hours.  Other restaurants had closed at 8 so we hurried into Spiros, glad to find the doors - and a single table - still open.  The featured dinner was four courses - Baba Ganoush with pita and crispy bread, a brilliantly colored Greek Salad with perfectly balanced dressing, baked chicken breast surrounded with lemon cous cous, yellow squash, tomatoes,  and topped with Greek yogurt and greens.  Every bite was succulent, tender, flavorful perfection.  Oh - did I mention the dessert - Baklava Sundae?  It was more nut filled, less filo, and gently sweetened with Agave Nectar - the perfect closing to the best meal we could remember.   For an unexpected treat, I'd encourage a visit to Spiros.   We enjoyed creative delicious food - ample servings with fresh ingredients crafted by a master's hand.  We eagerly encouraged the motel owners to send visitors to Spiros.  It is hard to believe little Iron Mountain has a chef of this calibur.

Thursday was a day of 'just in time'.  We got to Spiros just in time to get the last table.  We'd gotten approval for some of our efforts 'just in time' to complete preparations and get to the next appointment.  Arrival at one place was 'just in time' to get an important call - and on the day went.  God was always there - just in time.  The end of our devotions that day from Psalm 115 spoke for us the jubilant feelings of being at the right place just in time to see God's hand at work and  of the joy of His blessing us with an Oasis in the middle of the Wilderness.  Psalm 115: 18 ..."we bless GOD, oh yes—
        we bless him now, we bless him always!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article about a great restaurant and Spiro and his wife are great people. Thanks Steve Petry