Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 254 - ADD this to SUBTRACT calories

Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, But the soul of the diligent is made fat. (fat -  prosperous, rich, abundant)

Isn't that the truth - if I follow cravings alone I will never be satisfied - I will have nothing, and will be known as a sluggard for not making the effort to find the real meat of the Word that brings rich, full, abundant portions of satisfaction.

Add this to subtract calories:

1. Scripture - seriously – “filling up” at The Lord’s Table will reduce food cravings. When the soul is ‘fat’, there is no room for that which decays

2. sleep (more than 5 but less than 8 hours)

3. movement (2-3 times a day make a choice to move for at least 10 minutes)

4. water (one glass before waking and sleeping and one before each meal)

5. oxygen (Oxycise!) or add CellPower to your water

6. fiber – some fiber in every meal

7. music that lifts your spirits –naturally move body to music

8. MUFA’s – good fats will slim you down

Net Calories for today: -1047
(burned 1047 calories more than consumed)

Food:  What's in the fridge day:

Breakfast:  Egg over easy surrounded with quartered Yellow Grape Tomatoes and Sweet Onion.  Could eat this every day - Light, sweet and savory and looks like sunshine.

Snack:  Rye Crisp Cracker with trio pesto
(soft cheese layer, basil pesto layer, sundried tomato layer)

Dinner:  Two Mini Chicken-Salad on Pumpernickel sandwiches (Chicken, grapes, apple, pecans in raspberry vinagrette/mayo dressing.

Snack:  1/3 portion of Peacheesy Pie

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