An easy and delicious meal
Below is Slow Simmered Pork and Ambrosia (Pineapple, Mandarin Oranges and Unsweetened Raw Coconut Flakes
Only 30 days to go on this resolution from January to eat at The Lord's Table for a year. So should that mean I can relax, or add in junk food? Several reasons tell me not to try that again. Again? Yes, there are occasions like church potluck dinners, birthdays and holidays where more than the usual 'treats' are available. A spoonful usually is enough to find out if my body will tolerate something.
Things I used to like now taste 'off' or too sweet. The habit is firm that if I don't really enjoy something why waste the calories eating it. That is such a switch from last year's "you paid hard-earned money for this - it should not go to waste." Instead it went to Waist!
Counting Down should be like a NASA shuttle countdown - on the way to victory - a Takeoff really! Each day provides opportunity to continue the countdown to:
- A completely healthy pantry. No processed foods or so little they are only used rarely.
- New habit of eating healthy every day and three times a day. (I know it's hard to relate to for some people but it has been a battle to retrain myself to eat more frequently than once a day.)
- Naturally and automatically looking to the Lord first for that restless inner longing that only He can satisfy. This has certainly become more consistent through practice and I do not think about food all day, and I can plan the meals without thinking of dessert first!
- No more buying something because it is cheap - if it is not good and good for me - forget it.
- No more buying case lots - variety is more fun, and besides spending all the grocery budget on a few items locks my menu planning on one shelf in the pantry - boring!
- Freedom - where food is not controlling me, but I am controlling (and enjoying) food
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